The Company


9000 sq.m. of Facilities

50 YEARS of continuous research and development of its technical infrastructure, have led the company to the forefront.

EBIL is a family business with a very successful track record as regards its sound, optimum operation.

50 YEARS of continuous research and development of its technical infrastructure, have led the company to the forefront.

The INSTALLATION of its new automated vitrification plant with double enameling, has secured a top ranking for the company in this field.

The endurance and reliability of the THOUSANDS of appliances of all types it has installed, have established the company as the number one choice for consumers.

EBIL CONTINUES TO AIM HIGH. It invests in state-of-the-art technology.

It manufactures functional, economical and safe machines.

ΕΒΗΛ Α.Ε. Ηλιακά, Θερμοσίφωνες, Ηλεκτρομπόιλερ - Κατερίνη, Πιερία
ΕΒΗΛ Α.Ε. Ηλιακά, Θερμοσίφωνες, Ηλεκτρομπόιλερ - Κατερίνη, Πιερία
ΕΒΗΛ Α.Ε. Ηλιακά, Θερμοσίφωνες, Ηλεκτρομπόιλερ - Κατερίνη, Πιερία
ΕΒΗΛ Α.Ε. Ηλιακά, Θερμοσίφωνες, Ηλεκτρομπόιλερ - Κατερίνη, Πιερία


1st. klm.Katerini – Thessaloniki,Katerini 60100 – Greece